How to Play Dominoes
Dominoes, cousins of playing cards, are one of the oldest tools for game play. Whether they are used to create elaborate structures or simply tipped over, dominoes provide an engaging means of learning math concepts and skills. Dominoes also allow for a number of fun games that can be played with friends or family members.
The basic set of dominoes consists of 28 tiles, divided into two square halves by a line across the center. Each half has a number of spots, called pips, inlaid or molded on. Each pips corresponds to a number on the dice. The absence of a pips, called a blank side, represents zero. The simplest way to play the game involves placing dominoes in long lines on the floor or a table. When a domino in a line is tipped, it causes the next domino to fall and so on until the entire chain has been completed. This principle led to the popular expression “domino effect,” which describes a sequence of events that start small but eventually cause much larger–and sometimes catastrophic–consequences.
Although there are many different ways to play domino, most of them involve a player trying to get rid of all the dominoes in his or her hand. The first player to do so wins the game. To do so, the player must play a domino that matches with another domino that is already on the line. This can be done by matching the pips or by placing the domino so that its blank side is adjacent to another blank domino on the line.
In addition to matching dominoes by their pips, players can match them by color or other features. For example, some players prefer to use white dominoes with black pips while others choose to use dominoes that are all the same color. Many people even make a special set of colored dominoes that they use for certain games, such as the game of Mexican Train.
Aside from the traditional blocking and scoring games, there are also other Domino games that have more of a puzzle character. For example, a simple Concentration variant requires the use of a double-six set and is played by taking turns until a domino with its matching end is placed to begin the chain. The chain then develops as each player plays a domino to a double, with each tile being played so that its matching ends are touching fully.
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